Sunday, June 28, 2009

Journal # 3

Product strategy was the main topic which I’ve learned in this week. Surely, there are many function involves related to product strategy that is R&D, service, support, packaging, warranty and branding. Besides, there are two methods about product management that is what does a customer want? And what does a product mean to him? So, it is Philip Kotler' marketing theory about product management, and it is the important thing of marketer in creating customer’s value. The positioning brand, so each brand is a unique selling point because it has different product strategy. Therefore, brand equal with promise’ seller to the customer/ buyer because each brand has unique positioning in customer’ heart and mind. Then, they will buy it automatically because of brand impact that happens in their emotional want or physical want.

1 comment:

  1. a good summary. I can see that you pick up something from the lesson. it would be more interesting if you put your opinion to reflect upon the materials in class. I'd like to hear how you are going to apply the first P(Product) stragtegy in your real life as a consumer.

